
Starting next week, young golfers from across the United Kingdom are being invited to participate in a new project that will help combat plastic pollution and reduce its impact on the planet.  Through educational workshops and beach cleans the youngsters will explore sources of pollution and the impact on marine environments and identify positive actions that golf clubs can take.  They will then be set the challenge to drive change at their own golf clubs.

“Golf is played in beautiful places,” comments Founder of sustainable golf brand OCEANTEE and lead on the FORETHEOCEAN project Ed Sandison. “We want future generations to be able to enjoy the fabulous views and wildlife we all take for granted and that means taking action now to protect the environment.  We hope these youngsters go away feeling empowered to become activists and inspire others to take action themselves.”

This project represents collaboration working at its best.  OCEANTEE is bringing together its partners the Marine Conservation Society, who are providing the education, and The Ladies European Tour (LET) who are hosting the launch session at The Trust Golf Women’s Scottish Open on August 10th at Dumbarnie Links.  Young people from across the region will be attending the workshop which explores Scottish marine wildlife, focusing on marine conservation, and the effects of litter, particularly single use plastic, on the environment.  

Jenny Griffiths, Education Manager at the Marine Conservation Society said: “As well as using our beach clean data to understand pollution, the young golfers will also be making their own contribution to our database by taking part in a beach clean.  We’ve been cleaning beaches and collecting data for over 30 years, which helps us identify patterns and inform our campaigns, so these young people really will help shape the future of our work.”

This project is about empowerment so at the end of the session the young golfers will be given ideas and actions that they can take away and implement in everyday life and at their own golf clubs.  The golf clubs will be encouraged to share their work in progress and track results with one lucky venue winning a visit from a Tour golfer.

This is all aligned with the sustainability initiative that the LET launched last year – Celebrating the Green, presented by Dow delivered in close partnership with the GEO Foundation – which aims to champion environment, climate, and community action across women’s golf.  After the introduction of this initiative, the LET was delighted to announce OCEANTEE as a Proud Supplier for the 2021 season with players and Pro-Am competitors having access to their award winning durable and sustainable bamboo tees. Now, OCEANTEE and the Marine Conservation Society are also set to deliver this educational session as part of the Tour’s sustainability initiative.

“The LET is committed to working with our partners to create a positive change, which is why we are so pleased to be able to support this amazing project.  There is an immediate impact in terms of the beach clean and in the longer term, it will be part of driving the conversation around the practical implications for golf and the environment,” commented LET Commercial Director Emma Allerton.

2021 is VisitScotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters which makes Dumbarnie Links the perfect inaugural location for the Sustainability Series event, the results of which will be presented after the event at Dumbarnie Links in August.  OCEANTEE and The Marine Conservation Society plan to roll the education out in various formats to golf clubs and tournaments in the coming year.