
The pathway to the LET is not an easy one and no one knows that more that Norway’s Tina Mazarino.  

It’s been a longer journey to earn her LET card for Mazarino who has played on the LET Access Series (LETAS) since 2019.

Known for her stylish and smiley personality on and off the course, Mazarino has been a big asset to LETAS and before she takes the next step in her career, get to know the graduate better…

From only making half the cuts in 2023 to making six top 10 finishes this year, Mazarino has had a dream season, testament to her and her team’s hard work.  

Mazarino’s stunning three-stroke victory in Slovakia was the big break she needed. 

Tina Mazarino

Heading into the final round, two shots behind the overnight leader, Mazarino stayed calm and collected to secure the win. 

Reflecting on her first tour victory, Mazarino said: “The win was great. It was just surreal. I was in shock after.

“I realised towards the end of the final round that the other players were getting nervous, so I just tried to focus on myself and my caddy and we finished off with three birdies. 

“It was a great way to finish.

“The trophy is standing in the living room so we can all just look at it whenever. In the morning or when we are watching TV at night. It’s just there to remind us of all what a good season it has been.”

Whilst 2024 went Mazarino’s way, in 2023 the Norwegian was in a very different place physically and mentally. 

Mazarino quit the season early after losing her love for the sport. 

“During the 2023 season I felt that things were very very serious. I didn’t really have fun on the golf course anymore. 

“It’s a difficult one because as an athlete this is our job. It’s not fun all the time so you need to stick through it even though it’s not fun.

“Yet, in the French event during the fall, something happened, and I just had a mental breakdown. I felt like I could cry all day.

“I did still play the tournament and made the cut but when I went home, I knew I didn’t want to play the rest of the season, 

“It was a tough decision because I didn’t want to go to Pre-Qualifying for Q School. 

“From there we took a break, went on holiday and did nothing. I started to work with a new sport psychologist in Norway and we found a way back to me enjoying the game again.”

Mazarino also credits her success this season to her caddie, gym trainer and boyfriend, Robin. 

Tina and caddie/ boyfriend Robin

“I get asked a lot how we do it and Sometimes I’m not quite sure how we do it but we just work really, really well together. When we started dating we were just a couple after two weeks. So I think that says a lot about our relationship.

“Now we’ve been together for four years. He played professional ice hockey before he was caddying for me. 

“That has an advantage as he knows how it is to be an athlete. He takes everything he learned in his career and takes it into my career. 

“It’s not my goals anymore, it’s our goals.”

 Becoming a professional golfer was a childhood dream for Mazarino, who first started playing international tournaments when she was 10 years old. 

Mazarino at the U.S. Kids Golf with her dad, the competition which sparked her professional dream. 

“I was a big daddy’s girl, so I was following my dad everywhere.  He was playing golf, so he took me through the golf course. 

“So, it started with me just hitting a few shots and then picking some berries in the woods and then hitting a few shots more.”

Unlike many before her, Mazarino opted to turn professional at 18 after deciding the college route was not for her. 

However, disaster struck when the Norwegian contracted a virus and couldn’t play.

“I thought it would be two weeks off and then I would go back in the game, but it took a lot longer than that. 

“I didn’t play anything and then it was COVID-19. So, it was a rough start to turning professional. 

“I 100% doubted myself. However, I knew my potential, so I just had to work hard. 

“Robin came and had a new perspective. He helped me go from getting back into it to moving forward and taking it to the next level.”

Mazarino’s dedication, persistence and talent finally paid off this season, but it’s been a long journey. 

Having watched up being inspired by Paula Creamer and Natalie Gulbis, Mazarino wants to follow in their footsteps and show that you can be girly, stylish and still perform to the highest standards on and off the course. 

Mazarino and her dogs.