The third in the series of webinars for the LET Rookies encouraged the players to view dealing with the media and social media as positive opportunities. Bethan Cutler, the LET’s Head of Communications and Marketing, opened the session by highlighting the importance of the media for players, promoters and sponsors alike. She also referenced the opportunities presented to players to not only promote the LET, but also raise awareness of women’s golf. With less than 10% of sports media coverage in Europe focusing on women’s sport, the LET was keen to provide the Rookies with information on helping to spread the word about women’s sport and communicate as effectively as possible. During the session, Beth reviewed an interview given by England’s Alice Hewson at the beginning of the 2020 season while she was competing at her first tournament in South Africa, which she went on to win. Acknowledging the increase in ‘at home’ interviews, the Rookies were also given some good advice about how to prepare for remote interviews, as well as some basic do’s and don’ts.

Following on from Bethan was the LET’s Digital Media Manager, Elliott Platts, who stressed how powerful social media can be, whilst also pointing out some of the potential pitfalls. He explained how hashtags are used at tournaments to support promoters, venues sponsors and others, and he gave examples of established players who have done this very successfully. In addition to their own social media activity and messages, the players were urged to support the campaigns organised throughout the season that might relate to wider issues such as fitness, health or the environment.

The final element of the webinar was a mock press interview during which Rookie Linette Holmslykke from Denmark handled the questions like a seasoned professional. After the sessions had finished, Linette commented: “I really enjoy the LET webinars because it is a nice way to keep us together and stay connected. Bethan and Elliott shared a lot of useful information and I look forward to playing and coming to the events to use all the information we have learned the last few weeks. Today, I learned about handling media questions which is important, especially if they ask questions that would put me out of my comfort zone. I also got some advice on how to handle bad press and I got reminded how I can build my brand with the help of social media and take best care of my sponsors and keep posting during the current period.”

Bethan said: “At the LET we are committed to expanding opportunities for women in golf and raising the profile of the women’s game. The media has a significant influence and frequent visibility makes women’s sport part of the landscape. Our incredibly talented, positive, healthy, athletes are perfect role models and we will continue to work to give them a platform to showcase their personalities, talents and skills.”

The series of webinars has been organised as part of the LET’s commitment to provide education and training to its members.