Watch: The Greatest Solheim

Europe produced one of the greatest fightbacks in golf history to snatch a dramatic 14 ½ – 13 ½ victory over America in the 16th Solheim Cup at the PGA Centenary course at Gleneagles.

For the last 45 minutes of a truly enthralling contest it looked as if the visitors would emerge as victors but that was before Anna Nordqvist, Bronte Law and Suzann Pettersen conspired to turn the result completely on its head.

Watch The Greatest Solheim on Christmas Day and relive how the European Solheim Cup team won back the cup.

‘The Greatest Solheim’

Channel: Sky Sports Main Event and Sky Sports Golf (@SkySportsGolf)

When: Christmas Day

Times: Midday, 15:15 and 19:30.