Olafia makes first round ace

Olafia Kristinsdottir from Iceland made her first hole-in-one at the par-3 17th early in the first round of the 2018 ANA Inspiration to move to one-over and finish the day with a level par 72.

She said: “It was 165 metres and I hit a 5-iron. I was aiming a little bit left of the hole, because it should feed toward the hole in, and I had to hit a really good shot. I was aiming at the ANA sign behind. I was admiring the shot and I didn’t imagine seeing it disappear. It was a complete shock to me.”

She won two round-trip first-class flight tickets to any destination in the world courtesy of sponsor ANA (All Nippon Airways) and said that she will probably use them to fly to Asia.

Although she is getting married at the end of December, she said that she would prefer to take her honeymoon closer to home as she travels so much.