Anna Nordvist is known as a fighter. Seven years ago, she fought through driving rain and hail to clinch a sudden-death play-off against Brittany Altomare to earn her second Major title at the Amundi Evian Championship.

She secured the third Major of her career in the AIG Women’s Open at Carnoustie in 2021 and for the record, she achieved her first Major in the 2009 LPGA Championship, just six months after turning pro.

Since then, the 37-year-old Swede has been through some extremely tough personal challenges, including the death of her ex-husband, Kevin McAlpine, in late October. 

With the support of her family and friends, she has battled back and posted some solid results this season, including a season-best tie for 12th in the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give, a month ago.

Now, after an inspiring trip to attend The Championships at Wimbledon on Sunday, as a guest of LET long term partner Rolex, the world No.68 is ready to tee up once again in the Amundi Evian Championship, one of her favourite Majors.

“Coming back to Europe and playing in this event, the atmosphere is always amazing. As a European, this one and the AIG Women’s Open are the two tournaments you look forward to the most,” said the eight-time Solheim Cup player and European vice-captain. 

“Obviously I have good memories here, from having family here and winning here, it makes it so special. You get looked after so much. Having my name on the trophy is more than I could have ever dreamed of. 

“I’m feeling good. I’ve been a bit run down of late as it’s been a busy spring, early summer, so I’m looking forward to a break after this. I love the Majors and I’m excited to play this week.”

On the challenge of the Evian Resort Golf Course, she added: “You have to hit a lot of good shots and sometimes get lucky with a bounce here and there. It’s in the best shape I’ve ever seen it. It’s very green and lush this year and the rough’s very thick. There is something about coming here and the atmosphere which brings a big smile to your face, with the views and everything. I’ll have a good dinner tonight and a sleep in and I’ll be ready to go tomorrow afternoon.”

Nordqvist will start from the 10th tee at 1pm tomorrow, in the company of Emily Kristine Pedersen and Elizabeth Szokol.