Noemi Jimenez Martin gets behind European Week of Sport

LET player Noemi Jimenez Martin, 23, from Spain supports the European Week of Sport and the #BeActive campaign, initiated by the European Commission. Read more about Noemi and her approach to being active.

Who got you into sport and what sports did you try when you were younger?

My dad got me into golf! He was a golfer and now he is a professional. I used to play handball and I also did swimming in the past.

What about sport makes you happy?

Getting better every day, being competitive and the passion that it produces makes it the best thing.

What side effects does a sporty lifestyle have?

You meet a lot of other sports people, which is very fun!

Besides golf, what sports do you participate in and why?

I like dancing and I do swimming and yoga! It helps me to disconnect from golf and get my mind somewhere else so that I can focus better when I need to perform.

What does the #beactive campaign mean to you and why do you support the campaign?

I am supporting the campaign because it helps to promote women’s golf and helps to bring more people to play sport and see the beautiful part of it.

How do you use your position to help and inspire other people to have an active lifestyle?

I try my best to show people based on my own experience and to really explain that sport makes your life much better and improves your overall health and wellbeing.

Has your active lifestyle helped you to overcome a problem?

Sometimes it is hard to go out and practice all the time, but sport teaches you that hard work and preparation pays off and it is worth it when you see the results. Sport gives me more energy and drive to achieve my goals in life.