Lee-Anne Pace eyes first major

Lee-Anne Pace is back in action after a two week break from tournament golf and feels ready to contend for her first major at the Evian Championship in France.

“I have had the last two weeks off as I needed a break.  I wanted to see my coach and relax a little, I wanted to be nice and fresh for this week,” said Pace, who caddied for Anne-Lise Caudal in Scotland the week before last. “I saw my coach for four days and we worked on a couple of things and I am really happy with where my game is at.  I am really looking forward to the week. I love this tournament, this is one of my favourite tournaments and places to visit each year.”

Pace is currently lying seventh on the order of merit after three top five finishes including a second place in the Sberbank Golf Masters in the Czech Republic.