La Perla Ladies Italian Open


  • Average temperature 15-27°C (59-81°F).
  • The weather should be quite humid but with some anticipated storms at the weekend of the event.

General Information:

  • The golf course is located in Scarperia and the nearest airport is Florence. This is about a 50 minute drive from the course.
  • Pisa and Bologna are also accesible for Poggio dei Medici but a little further than Florence.
  • The event is free and is a four day tournament.


  • Lo Sprocco, Località Sprocco , Scarperia, Firenze, 55012

    LO SPROCCO is a wonderful Medici’s Villa Medicea inside a refined Park with sequoias trees, 5 minutes far from A1 gate Barberino di Mugello and about 25 minutes far from Florence.

  • Town House Suite Villa Poggio San Felice – Via San Matteo in Arcetri 24 – 50125 Firenze

    The villa overlooks Florence and opens its doors to all of those who wish to spend a holiday in a complete relaxtion only a few kilometres from the historical centre of town.

  • Many other hotels and b&b’s are available. Please check websites or local travel agents.

Useful Contacts:

  • Poggio dei Medici: Tel:+39 0558468282 Fax: +39 0558430439

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