Juniors Experience Live Scoring

A group of junior golfers from Golf Club Terramar joined the LET live scoring team during the Estrella Damm Mediterranean Open and experienced walking inside the ropes with some of the top stars of the women’s game.

Paola Sanchez-Mora, aged 10, was the youngest walking scorer and she was thrilled to be able to take the scores from her idol, Azahara Muñoz, during the tournament.

The other juniors included her brother, Fernando Sanchez-Mora, 14, Lola Herraiz, 11, Gabriella Herraiz, 12, Miriam Ayora, 14, Patricia Miro, 13, Mariano Ayora, 16, Elisenda Sanchez, 18 and Daniel Bel, 13.

Lola said that she enjoyed the experience. “It was really nice and the players gave me a ball when we finished the round. I enjoyed putting the scores into the device and it was really fun. I learned that the players are very quiet and concentrated and they don’t move much when they swing.”

Gabrielle said: “I enjoyed watching the players putt, because I needed to concentrate.”

Elisenda said: “It was great meeting the professional players and so fun, to be so close and get to talk with them and see how they play. It inspired me to continue and see how far I can go.”