ISPS HANDA Ladies European Masters launched with secondary schools festival

The ISPS HANDA Ladies European Masters was officially launched on Monday when  130 girls aged 11-15 from a number of local secondary schools took part in a specially organised event that included a variety of ‘Golf Xtreme’ and ‘StreetGolf’ skills challenges.

This was the first time that an event of this magnitude had been organised at the tournament, in partnership with the Golf Foundation – the national charity responsible for the development of golf for children and young people.


The event took place in the Colne Valley Country Park, just outside the Buckinghamshire Golf Club gates, before the girls met professional golfers Ellie Givens, Melissa Eaton, Vikki Laing and Cathryn Bristow in the tournament’s tented village.

The festival was organised to support the Golf Foundation’s national drive to encourage more girls into sport through its HSBC Golf Roots programmes.
