Getting to know Lucrezia Colombotto Rosso from Italy

Do you have a hidden talent?

I’m really sporty and played tennis for many years, before choosing golf.

What’s your biggest achievement so far?

I’ve won two Italian Championships and it was 26 years since a woman won both.

What is your favourite club in your bag?

The 8-iron.

What’s your favourite golf course?

Golf Torino.

Who do you most look up to?

My dad.

What is the one thing you could not live without?


What is your favourite food?

Pasta al Pesto.

How would you spend your perfect day?

With my family.

What do you like doing except playing golf?

Being with family and friends.

Most memorable sporting moment?

Playing in the European Team Championships, when we got to the final.

Do you have any superstitions before a round?


Describe yourself in one word? 


Do you have any plans for Christmas?

I’m going on holiday to Mexico.