Getting to know Cloe Frankish

Where are you from?

I’m from Chart Hills Golf Club in Kent, England.

How did you get into golf?

My grandfather introduced me to the sport and we started chipping and pitching in the back garden.

When did you turn professional?

At Lalla Aicha Tour School in December 2016.

What’s been the biggest golfing achievement of your career so far?

I won the English Girls’ two years in a row, the first time by 12 shots and the second time by two (without a practise round). I also won the Scottish Ladies’ by seven shots and qualified for the Ladies European Tour at the Final Stage of Lalla Aicha Tour School in December 2017.

What is your favourite club in your bag?

My driver. I hit my average drive around 270 yards.

Who is your favourite golfer?

Dustin Johnson.

What’s your favourite golf course?

I like Las Colinas Golf and Country Club in Spain. My uncle has a villa there, so that’s where I go to practise.

Who do you most look up to?

My mum, because she takes me everywhere and organises everything for me.

What is your favourite food?

Steak and chips.

Your favourite city?

I really liked Dubai when I received an invitation to play there in the Ladies Classic recently.

What do you like doing except playing golf?

I go to the gym every day.

What job would you like to have if not a professional golfer?

I used to do gymnastics for England when I was younger, floor and vault, but I gave it up for golf, so maybe that.

If you could travel anywhere where would you go?


Do you have any superstitions before a round?

I don’t use balls with a ‘3’ on them, as it makes me think of a ‘3-putt.’

What is your most memorable sporting moment?

Probably my first win at the English Girls at Royal Cromer in Cornwall in 2015, when my mum started crying.

Do you listen to music before your round?

Yes, The Weekend.

What are your goals for 2018?

I want to keep my card for 2019.