Getting to know Ayaka Nakayama from Japan

Where are you from?

Kawasaki, Japan, where the motorcycles are from.

What brings you to Lalla Aicha Tour School?

I was studying in the USA, at the University of Florida. I like to travel a lot so I was interested in joining the Ladies European Tour.

What’s been your biggest golfing achievement so far?

Last year my university team won the Conference Championship.

Do you have a hidden talent?

I practised Japanese traditional dancing when I was younger, wearing a kimono.

What is your favourite club in your bag?

Pitching wedge.

What’s your favourite golf course?

Isleworth Golf Club in Florida.

What is the one thing you could not live without?

My family.

Who do you most look up to?

My dad.

What is your favourite food?

Japanese food, like sushi and squid.

How would you spend your perfect day?

Staying in bed all day.

What do you like doing except playing golf?

Watching movies and listening to music.

What job would you like to have if not a professional golfer?

Maybe I’d be a travel agent.

Do you have any superstitions before a round?


Describe yourself in one word? 


What are your goals for 2018?

Play on the LET and enjoy travelling the world.