Catriona Matthew’s Solheim Cup Predictions

  1. Why is The Solheim Cup a special tournament?It is special because it is a team event and golf is such an individual sport the majority of the time, that it is great fun to have team mates and be in a team environment and have the camaraderie. Also to have the opportunity to represent your country is very special.


  1. Why are you looking forward to The 2015 Solheim Cup? I am looking forward to Germany as it is on home soil which means the crowd will be amazing and to have the opportunity to win 3 in a row would be pretty special.


  1. What is your favourite Solheim Cup memory from 2013? My favourite moment of 2013 was watching Karine Icher hole the putt from of the green on the last hole on Saturday afternoon to give Europe a clean sweep in that session.


  1. What is your favourite Solheim Cup memory of all-time? My all-time favourite moment was beating Rosie Jones in the singles at Barsebäck to clinch the winning point for the team that year and to be on my first winning side.


  1. Who would you really like to play with from Europe if you qualify and why? To be honest I have never been too bothered about who I play with as we all tend to get on well as a team.


  1. Who would you really like to face from the USA and why? I don’t care who I play against as long as I beat them!


  1. Predicted winning score: I think it will be close as they are going to be desperate to win but I think we will win by a couple of points.  8. I think it would be fantastic for European golf if we could win and would show that there is an awful lot of talent in ladies’ European golf.