Helsingborg Open ambassador Carin Hjalmarsson invited friends to participate in a 6-hole exhibition match at Allerum Golf Club on Wednesday evening, in aid of the Swedish Cancer Society.

The first Swedish victory on the LET was in 1980, by Kärstin Ehrnlund, who won the McEvans Lager Welsh Classic and since then the victories have kept on coming with over 100 titles won by Swedes on Tour. Truly a great achievement. 

The organisers wanted to celebrate how much the players have contributed to golf in Sweden and around the world, so a match was set-up focusing on the past, the present and the future.

The Line-up

The Legends Team: 
Helen Alfredsson, Carin Hjalmarsson (formerly Koch) and Sophie Gustafson

The LET Team:
Johanna Gustavsson, Caroline Hedwall and Linda Wessberg

The Swedish Golf Team and the World (Amateur) Champions 2022:
Ingrid Lindblad, Louise Rydqvist and Meja Örtengren

The format
1 (1st hole) Team scramble.
2 (14th hole) Closest to the pin. 
3 (15th) Speed golf.
4 (16th) Longest drive (two players from each team had two drives each).
5 (17th) Single medal play. One player from each team.
6 (18th) Team Scramble.

The points system: Split Sixes 
On each hole of the round, six points were at stake, and the three/teams golfers split those points. At the end of the round, the Team with the most points wins. 
Here’s how the six points were split on each hole:
Example 1
– The Team with the low score on the hole get 4 points.
– The Team with the middle score on the hole get 2 points.
– The golfer with the high score on the hole get 0 points.

After an extremely close match, the LET Team and the Swedish Golf Team tied with six points each and cancer research was the winner, with 100% of the entry fees going to the Cancer Society.