All about Scotland by Sally Watson

Sally Watson of Scotland and her sister who was her caddie for the week during the Deloitte Ladies Open

Sally Watson, from Scotland, has now played a total of 10 LET events and has already recorded two top-10 finishes at the Allianz Ladies Slovak Open presented by RESPECT, where she tied for third, and the Ladies German Open, where she tied for ninth place. She is currently leading the rankings for Rookie of the Year.

We asked our current #1 rookie some questions about her home country. Find here what she answered:


Where are you born and where is it exactly in the country? Born in Edinburgh, Scotland

Tell us more about where you were born… Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland

What is the best thing about your country? My family all live in Scotland.

Give some examples of the traditions from your home town/area that you like or love doing Every Christmas Eve, the people in my village meet in the local park to sing carols.

Your favourite place in Scotland and why?

Scotland is a beautiful country but I love the village my parents live in called Elie. It is situated on the east coast and has some beautiful beaches with views over the River Forth to North Berwick.

Typical food and drinks from your area that you love?

I love Steak Pie and Haggis, Neeps and Tatties which is Scottish delicacy.

If you like cooking, what typical food from your country do you like to cook?

I love cooking fish and living right on the coast we have a lot of great fresh fish available to us.

Be our travel guide… what places would you recommend us to visit in your country and things to do? 

Edinburgh is a great city with a lot of history which makes it a great place to visit at any time of year but during the month of August Edinburgh plays host to the largest arts festival in the world-the Fringe Festival-making it a particularly exciting time to visit.  The Fringe Festival creates a great buzz around the city and along with the regular tourist attractions (Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Palace,etc…) there are hundreds of great performances for tourists to enjoy .

When you are not on tour and you are not preparing for any tournament. What’s your typical weekend? 

I quite often will play golf with my mum and/or dad. I also love taking our dog for walks and cooking.

Which is the most popular sport in your country? Give us an example of how popular it is. What about golf and women’s golf?

Football is our national sport and by far the most popular (or get by far the most TV/newspaper coverage).

Who is your favourite celebrity/personality/idol from your country that you are really proud of and why?

Andy Murray-he is an incredible athlete-double tennis major champion- an impressive fact in itself but when you add on top the fact that he has to deal with all of the pressure that our press put on him to perform…I think his accomplishments are even more impressive.

Who is your favourite golf player from your country? And sportsmen/women? 

Catriona Mathew-I think she has the most impressive resume of any Scottish golfer and the way that she has balanced being a mother as well as a professional golfer is truly impressive!

What do you miss from home when you travel?

My bed, and the comforts of home (my mum’s cooking)


Click here to see Sally Watson’s results

Find complete Rookie of the Year rankings here

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