Getting to know Johanna Gustavsson

Last year Sweden’s, Johanna Gustavsson, claimed fourth spot in the LETAS Order of Merit and in doing so earned her 2016 Ladies European Tour card. Johanna’s superb 2015 season included winning her first LETAS tournament at the Larvik Ladies Open in a record-breaking fourteen-hole sudden death play-off and also securing six top ten finishes. This season Johanna has played in two LET tournaments and below she answer’s some quick questions…

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?

Swiss Army knife, a 58 degree and a ball

If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be?

Pro V 1’s

What is your favourite activity you do when you want to relax?

Watching films and hanging out with friends

How do you spend your time in the airports?

Reading a TV watching series

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Whatever happens everything will work out

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

I’ve don’t think I’ve eaten anything weird

If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

Hard working

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?


What advice would you give to aspiring amateurs looking to turn professional?

Find some good people to travel with

Do you like cooking? If yes, what do you like / prefer to cook when you are at home with friends?

No, I much prefer it if people cook for me!!

If you could have one celebrity follower on twitter who would it be?

Amy Poehler (actress)

Tell us something you hate doing. Why?

Vacuum cleaning and isn’t it obvious!

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Still playing golf

What has been you biggest golfing achievement?

Winning in Norway (Larvik Ladies Open) on LET Access this year, it was very cool to be in a record breaking playoff to win.

What is your favourite golf course to play and why?

Lannalodge Golf Resort back home in Sweden

Age you started playing golf? Who /how did you get involved in golf?

11 years old and my dad took me but I wanted to start because my cousins where playing

Age you got your first handicap?


What is your best travel tip?

Drink lots of water and have a good book handy

Your lowest ever round of golf?

5 under in a competition in Sweden

What’s your favorite club in your bag?


What’s in your golf bag? And apart from clubs and golf balls?….

Nothing out of the ordinary, waterproofs/alignment sticks/food/etc

What is your average driving distance?


What tournament are you looking forward to most on LET next season?

I am looking forward to hopefully travelling down under.

If you could pick a dream foursomes partner who would it be and why?

Rory McIlroy because he’s cool

What is your Favourite distance to practise?


If you could learn any language fluently, what would it be?


Your team would be composed by …

Coach – MJ (Mathias Johansson) – Fitness trainer – Peter Virtanen