Second round comments from the Nykredit Masters

Wahlin – in form

Gwladys Nocera
Q. You played really well today. Can you talk about your round?
Nocera: I am playing well, and putting much better, which makes it easier. The goal of being here is to get ready for next week, so I think it is working pretty well. I had a tough time the past few weeks, but that’s golf. All I want is to be ready for next week.

Q. Are you thinking about The Solheim Cup a lot?
Nocera: Of course. It is hard not to think about it – it is the biggest event of the season, which is why I wanted to be ready for it.

Q. Are you happy with how you have played so far this week?
Nocera: Yes.

Q. Did you speak to your playing partner, Iben Tinning, about The Solheim Cup?
Nocera: Yeah.

Q. What did you talk about?
Nocera: Well, just how excited we are, that we’re counting the days down.

Q. You are doing better than your Solheim Cup Team colleagues – Tinning, Becky Brewerton and Trish Johnson. Why do you think it is?
Nocera: It doesn’t mean anything. Next week is just another week, a completely different tournament. I am sure everybody is ready for it and everyone wants to win. The team spirit is there and we will do the job. I am not worried at all.

Q. What is the morale like in the European camp?
Nocera: I think we are all pretty excited and have the same feeling as always – to beat the US.

Christine Hallstrom:
Q. Can you talk about your round today?
Hallstrom: I did very well, I just had one bogey. That was on 18 and it is a very narrow, tricky hole.

Q. When was the last time you shot four-under?
Hallstrom: In Wales, but I have only had three rounds under par all season. I guess I am a slow starter.

Q. You made par yesterday, and four-under today – what have you done differently at this tournament?
Hallstrom: I hit it pretty straight, so I guess that’s to my advantage. I don’t hit it very long, just straight and I keep it out of trouble.

Q. Do you feel under pressure at this stage?
Hallstrom: No, there are two more days to go. I will just try to keep playing well.

Q. Is this anywhere near your top form?
Hallstrom: Well, last season I played well on the Telia Tour which is where I got my card. I played well towards the end of the season – I guess I just get going towards the end.

Felicity Johnson
Q. Yesterday, you had an energy drink before you went out and made two birdies in three holes – what did you do today?
Johnson: Nothing really, it was just steady today – made some greens and holed some putts. Once I rolled a few putts yesterday, it helped my confidence today.

Q. What happened on the 18th hole?
Johnson: I hit it so far right you wouldn’t imagine it. Hit it into some water. Played it just short of the green made a chip and didn’t hit a very good putt down the hill.

Q. Still pleased?
Johnson: I would’ve taken this at the start of the day. The wind picked up a bit, which made the final few holes more interesting. When we teed off it was fantastic conditions. It’s a case of taking advantage of the early start, really.

Q. Is this the best form you’ve had in a tournament recently?
Johnson: Yeah, it’s just been nice to play well and put the finishing touches to a score together, which is what I haven’t done this season. Now I am getting the rewards for hitting the right shots and putting it in the right places.

Q. So with the exception of one hole, you would’ve been one off the lead.
Johnson: It’s just one bad shot. If you take that out of it then it’s a great day. But I am still happy with it.

Jehanne Jail
Q. Well done, another sub-par round.
Jail: I’m pleased because I was two-over after six holes. I thought my round was finished. But I said to myself “I have to carry on”, and I made some birdies and turned it around.

Q. Was it difficult to pick yourself up after a disappointing start?
Jail: No, I just went for it and tried my best. Who cares you miss anything? Just try it.

Q. Was it harder playing in the afternoon with the wind?
Jail: It was quite windy, but the trees are the most important thing.

Q. What is the course playing like?
Jail: Yes, it’s good. It is funny because you have to think a lot about what you are going to do. It is a challenge for the brain. It is not only physical but technical.

Tania Elosegui
Q. How did your round go today?
Elosegui: Today it was good at the beginning, and then I started to play well on the second nine. I drove well, I hit the irons well, missed a couple of putts for birdie. But I am pleased.

Q. There are not so many experienced players in the field, so the younger players are getting a chance to shine. Are you happy with that?
Elosegui: I didn’t think about that! If I am honest, it is my sixth week playing and I thought about this week as a fun week – not thinking too much, just playing and having fun.

Q. Are you enjoying it?
Elosegui: Yes. I am tired, exhausted. But I am enjoying it.