Interviews with the round three leaders

ANZ Ladies Masters
Royal Pines Resort
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Round Three Leader Quotes
Saturday 10th February 2007

Karrie Webb, Michelle Ellis, Clare Queen

Karrie Webb

MODERATOR: Congratulations on a fantastic round. That would have to have been one of your best for a while.

KARRIE WEBB: It was one of the best putting rounds I’ve had for a long time. I got on a roll and felt very comfortable on the greens today. I made just about everything I looked at.

Q: Were you thinking about 61 as you were playing the last?

KARRIE WEBB: Yes I was because that is the best score I’ve ever shot. I probably took too much club trying to hold it in there against the wind instead of hitting it to 20 feet. I would have been able to do that with a seven iron. I tried to get it in there nice and tight. Luckily I got it up and down.

Q: Where was the 61?

KARRIE WEBB: At Walnut Hills, Michigan and it was 11 under.

Q: You looked almost embarrassed when the putt went in at 17.

KARRIE WEBB: I was a bit, but not so embarrassed that I would take it back.

Q: Question about hitting a branch on 17.

KARRIE WEBB: I don’t know if it was a lucky break. I just hit it and got it up very quickly. I did not think I could hit the branches. I was laughing because it was just one of those days with the putter. I think I could have putted with my eyes shut and it still would have gone in. You enjoy those times when you can.

Q: Talk about the difference that a couple of days can make.

KARRIE WEBB: Triggsy and Noel both said that each day I’d get as little bit more into it. They were right.

Q: What did Noel say?

KARRIE WEBB: It was pretty basic stuff. Just to simplify the game rather than making it too complicated and trying to get into the zone like I was today more often and to be completely ready to hit each shot.

Q: How often do you enter that zone?

KARRIE WEBB: I don’t really count. Last Saturday was the only time I Felt I’d done that in these past two weeks. I had a better ball striking round last week on Saturday than I did today. There is a little more room for error here and I made a couple of bombs. If you make bombs at Royal Sydney you have to go up 15 hills.

Q: Did you have a score in your head when you started today?

KARRIE WEBB: I try not to. I would not have said 62. But if you set 66, it limits you and holds you back a bit. I was just looking for improvement from yesterday. I was trying to get myself into contention and to get some feel in my game for the first event on the LPGA next week.

Q: Inaudible question.

KARRIE WEBB: I had two really flat moments yesterday. I missed a two-footer for birdie on the fourth hole and that made me realise I was not sharp enough. I put in a really good effort on 10 and 11 and even the tee shot down 12 but then really switched off for the next few holes. Sometimes you can get away with that.

Q: Did you go home and beat yourself up after the round?

KARRIE WEBB: No. It happens more often to professional golfers than you would imagine. Sometimes you get away with it and sometimes you don’t.

Q: You are not a machine?

KARRIE WEBB: That’s right.

Q: Did you leave any shots out there today?

KARRIE WEBB: No. My caddie Mikey started laughing. I had a putt lip out on four today. He said you would sound like a bit of an a***hole if you complain about that putt. At the time I was a little annoyed that I missed but I made up for it.

Q: Question about enjoying success.

KARRIE WEBB: I know that the difference between really good golf and not so great golf is really marginal. I had to play the marginal golf to understand that. Not I have a greater appreciation when I play good.

Q: Would you prefer to lead into the final round or come from behind?

KARRIE WEBB: It doesn’t bother me. I’ve won tournaments both ways. I’m glad I don’t have to make up five or six shots. That could have been a possibility at the start of the day.

Q: What happened at nine? You had that run of birdies and we were expecting a birdie or even an eagle.

KARRIE WEBB: I missed the fairway and it ran through the bunker. I had a decent lie and thought I could have a crack at getting it to the front of the green. It hit it a little bit right and hit a lady in the leg. Then I hit it on the green and two-putted. It was a knuckle ball so I’m glad it only hit her in the leg.

Michelle Ellis

Q: You had a roller coaster start to your round today. Did it take you a while to find your comfort zone?

MICHELLE ELLIS: A little bit. I’m trying to eliminate the bad shots from my golf game. We’ve been working hard on that block right which is simply caused by my injury. I’m trying to stay down and that’s where that shot comes from. I was under nerves a little bit off the first and for the first couple of holes. After I played a few more holes I felt more relaxed. I think the best thing that could have happened was for me to bogey the first hole. It calmed me down and off I went.

Q: You started a run on the 13th where you and Ahn made birdies. What did you hit in there for your second?

MICHELLE ELLIS: I hit an 11 wood, the equivalent of a four iron. The wind was into us there. She hit a great shot and then I hit a great shot.

Q: At the next hole, the par three 14th, you were in there close again. What did you hit in there.

MICHELLE ELLIS: I just gripped a little seven iron. I did not want to force anything, because of my swing changes. I hit a lot more half shots. It landed a lot softer than I thought it would. I got hold of it and it sat down nicely.

Q: A couple of missed opportunities at the last two holes.

MICHELLE ELLIS: (At 17) I left it in the jaws. Robyn, my caddie, told me that it was into the grain. I know better too because I have played here long enough. But I’ll take the round. I enjoyed it and I am enjoying being back out there. I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Q: How do you feel about tomorrow. You have not been in this situation for a while.

MICHELLE ELLIS: I’ll take it as it is and play my game. I am not going to say I won’t be nervous because I will. The quicker I can settle my nerves and get under way, the better I will play.

Q: How do you feel about playing with Karrie? She’s had a great round.

MICHELLE ELLIS: Everybody knows that. I said that in the conference with the media yesterday. You can’t count her out. She is a great player. There are still a lot of players in contention behind us. You can shoot six or seven under around here if you are on your game. Nobody is really out of it.

Q: What will you do to relax tonight? Can you keep your mind off tomorrow?

MICHELLE ELLIS: We have a house full of people. I am staying at Broadbeach and a lot of my family is up. We’ll go home and have a few beers.

Clare Queen

Q: Clare, good round today. Two under today for a total of minus eight.

CLARE QUEEN: I’m pretty happy at this stage, you know. It’s my first tournament of the year and it’s good to get back into a bit of competition. I’m playing nicely, nothing really spectacular which has got me frustrated but I’ve been pretty steady and not dropped many shots. I just haven’t made that many birdies so I feel tomorrow might be a good day.

It was great to play with Kristie Kerr today. That was just a fantastic experience. She’s just such a great player, she shot a 66 and is such a good putter. I really learned a lot from her and she was really nice too. It was a good test for me playing with someone as good as that to see how I would compare and cope under the same conditions. I’m pretty happy and feel very positive and that’s a goal for me.

Q: So, a good start to the year. Did you say you didn’t play in Sydney?

CLARE QUEEN: No I didn’t. I was first reserve and I didn’t get in. I was hanging around the putting green on the Thursday for a long time but, no, I didn’t get in. The only good thing about that was I got a good week’s practice in and this week it’s paying off a bit.

Q: What are your goals for this year?

CLARE QUEEN: Well, last year I only just kept my card so I think to end the season in the top 50 would be a good goal. It would be dependant on how I get on through the season. It might change if I start off the year well.

Last year the mistakes I made were that I was a little bit impatient and put a bit of pressure on myself and this year I know I can’t afford to do that. So that’s what I’ve done this week – I’ve just gone out and enjoyed it. Staying patient, one shot at a time and it works. I prefer this way to what it was like last year so that’s good.

Q: What are you aiming for tomorrow?

CLARE QUEEN: I’m not going to set myself any goals like that. The thing I do feel is that I’ve only dropped, what, two shots in three rounds and just haven’t made too many birdies so I know there’s a few more putts in there for me. Tomorrow if I just go out and try to enjoy it and get the ball rolling well, then a few putts might drop and it might be a good score. I’ve just got to do the same thing I’ve been doing so far this week, just enjoying it. I’m going back to the snow on Monday so I’ll just try to make the most of it.

Q: Tell me about your winter months. What did you do?

CLARE QUEEN: It was a pretty long winter really, when I got back from Dubai. Obviously I didn’t have to go back to tour school so I just had a bit of a break and then got back into it. I worked really hard with my coach on a few swing changes and for the first time I feel like they’re starting to pay off. So that looks good for the season ahead if I can get my swing a bit more consistently. I evaluated what went wrong…well not wrong, really but I highlighted the things like lack of patience. I feel positive from last year because I now know that I’m good enough to be out here. It’s a steep learning curve so I just have to learn from the mistakes I made. I feel good. I am looking forward to this year a lot with a new frame of mind.

Q: And you’ve just had a week in Thailand, is that right?

CLARE QUEEN: Two weeks actually and then I came out here to Sydney. I missed out on prequalifying for the Open. I lost in a play-off for the last spot and ended up first reserve. As I say I was disappointed but I made good use of the practice time and it’s paying off this week so that’s good.

Q: And you’re enjoying your time in Australia?

CLARE QUEEN: Oh I love it. I love it! It’s my first time.

Q: What do you love about it?

CLARE QUEEN: It’s just so relaxed and the weather and up on the Gold Coast it’s so beautiful. I’m actually thinking of buying a place out here as soon as I make some money. The weather’s a good bit better than home so I’ll definitely be back.

Q: And what are you doing in the month before Tenerife, well, six weeks really?

CLARE QUEEN: I’m home for a couple of weeks just to say hi to Mum and Dad and then I’m off to South Africa to play a couple of the mini-tour events there. That’s just a bit of a warm-up really and a bit of practice and competition before Tenerife. And between then and Tenerife I’ll try to get a couple of weeks away and do a bit of practice and get my game ticking over until we get started. I am looking forward to this season.