Sorenstam shoots 68 to extend her lead in Dubai

“I was disappointed but I think one bogey in 36 holes isn’t bad and I’m not going to let one hole bother me,” she said. “You’re going to have your ups and your going to have your downs: just move on.

“It’s amazing how different the wind was on certain holes today. Yesterday I may have been playing a little more aggressive whereas today I was a little more conservative. I think the wind plays a big role out here so depending on my tee time tomorrow I’m going to figure out my strategy for tomorrow.”

Sorenstam was planning a trip to the desert for the afternoon which would include “doing a little camel back riding, watching the sunset and doing something that’s supposed to be typical of the region.”

After a few days of scheduled on course activities which had seen her reveal a trophy and give a golf clinic she said: “I’m looking forward to leaving the premises this afternoon and hopefully making it back here tomorrow.”