Golf and football the perfect mix for Dimmock

Britain’s Annabel Dimmock says that football and friends have given her the confidence to pursue her ambitions in golf. During the European Week of Sport, she wants to encourage children and teenagers to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle.

Who introduced you to sport and what sports did you try when you were younger?

I started with football when I was eight years old and it was my father who introduced me to sport. I played in pretty much every sport there was in school and enjoyed it a lot. When I was 14 years old I received a member scholarship at Wentworth together with my LET tour friend Inci Mehmet. We practiced together and helped each other a lot. When you have friends around you when you are young it is more fun to practice. Gabriella Cowley, also my LET tour friend, and I played in the England squad. It helped a lot too.

What about sport makes you happy?

I love being outside in nature. It is satisfying to move around and I feel better and I sleep better. Having a good gym session or doing sport can also lift you up if you are not happy.

Besides golf, what sports do you do actively and why?

I tried so many sports when I was young but now when I am focusing on my golf career I go to the gym. I have a really great gym trainer that motivates me. I also enjoy playing football for fun with my friends or walking my dog.

What positive effects does a sporty lifestyle have?

It makes you happy, you get more energy and you get fit. I enjoy that and it is important to me.

What does the #BeActive campaign mean to you and why do you support it?

I support it because I want to encourage people, especially younger kids and teenagers, to have an active lifestyle. It helps so much in life. You receive more energy and get a happier outlook on life because you learned to think positively and to work hard.

How do you use your position to help inspire other people to have an active lifestyle?

I am involved in a project called Girls Golf Rocks. It is a training session for children aimed at getting more girls into golf. I am also involved in many development activities at the LET events. It is important to support the local programs and the communities we come to. At the gym, I sometimes meet teenagers and I talk to them and try to encourage them and give advice. I use also my Instagram for gym photos and favourite exercises to show my active lifestyle and give advice.

Do you want to share a story on how your active lifestyle helped you to overcome a problem?

I did not do very well in school but sport helped me and gave me a lot of confidence to keep going. 


