For Spilkova, sport is relaxation

Klara Spilkova became the first player from the Czech Republic to win on the Ladies European Tour at the Lalla Meryem Cup in Morocco in 2017. During the European Week of Sport, she tells us how being active through other sports helped her to achieve her dream on tour.

Who introduced you to sport and what sports did you try when you were younger?

My parents led me to sport, even though they had never been into it. When I was four years old, my older brother started with golf training. I tried it too and it was love at first sight!

I have played golf ever since, and only later I gained some experience with other sports.

What about sport makes you happy?

I like that it can completely overwhelm you. The way it engages all your senses and the body and the feeling of utter joy after you finish when the body releases all those hormones and you feel you’ve done something for yourself.

Besides golf, what sports do you do actively and why?

I got myself a swimming coach a few years ago. I have always loved swimming and I enjoy it very much. It is good for the muscular system and it is one of the least damaging sports there is. Also, I have loved skiing since childhood, but because of golf I get to go downhill skiing only once or twice a year.

What positive effects does a sporty lifestyle have?

I think that athletes in general are more relaxed people with a sense of fair play. They can better deal with what life throws at them because they are used to hard work and overcoming obstacles.

What does the #BeActive campaign mean to you and why do you support it?

This campaign is about moving, which is something that makes me happy. For me it is both work and lifestyle. That’s why I decided to support the campaign to encourage people to move more. In today’s busy times, sport offers great relaxation.

How do you use your position to help inspire other people to have an active lifestyle?

I try to inspire people to do sports because it is the best cure for everything. On my social networks, I show golf but also many other activities. It does not really matter what sport you do, the important thing is that you do something.

Do you want to share a story on how your active lifestyle helped you to overcome a problem?

Sport has taught me a great deal about what I need in my life to handle problems better. For example, patience, humility, self-confidence, routine, and that the more you want something, the harder it is to get. I had always dreamt of winning a LET tournament. I went down that road so hard that I nearly burnt out. Because I love golf, I decided to try and go another way. I call it my spiritual journey. I slowed down, took a deep breath, and began to feel my needs more, and eventually I happened to get that win in Morocco last year.


