Wessberg preparing to start a family

The ISPS HANDA Ladies European Masters will be Linda Wessberg’s last appearance on the Ladies European Tour for a few months, as she is expecting her first child on 20th September, the final day of The 2015 Solheim Cup.

Here, she reveals what it’s like to be playing competitive golf whilst six months pregnant and how she hopes to combine starting a family with a successful career on the Ladies European Tour.

What’s it like playing golf when you are six months pregnant?

It’s different. I’m standing back from the ball a bit. I’ve always been standing really upright and my clubs are two degrees upright, so I might have to change them a little bit before the ISPS HANDA Ladies European Masters, because I have to step away from the ball. Other than that, I don’t hit the ball as far as I used to. It’s probably a club or a club and a half different because of the club speed. Other than that, it’s fine. I try to rest a little bit more than I used to but I still work out and I can do pretty much everything that I used to do.

Do you get disturbed during the swing or when you are over the ball?

Sometimes! Somebody is moving in there. I just try to laugh at it. I try to see it as a good thing but sometimes it can be really distracting and I have to go to every bathroom on the course too.

Is this your final competitive appearance?

I’m going to play a team championship for my club two weeks after England so the ISPS HANDA Ladies European Masters won’t be my last tournament but it will be my last travelling tournament.

What are your plans for playing on tour after the arrival of your child?

It totally depends on the baby. If it’s a nice, quiet one, it could be pretty handy, but if it’s a crazy one, you never know. Both of my parents are retired and Peter’s parents are retired too, so we’ll probably have plenty of help, I hope. It is quite expensive to bring people to take care of your baby. I hope to play in the Omega Dubai Ladies Masters but it depends how it goes.

Have you taken any advice from other mums on tour?

I’ve spoken to Carin (Koch) but it was a while since she was out and they have day care on the LPGA so it’s a lot easier, because Stefan, her husband was travelling as well. He caddied for other players, so they sort of travelled with the family. It’s always a lot easier when you have the same day care people to take care of your child every week and the same stuff they can play with.

You are great friends with Carin, The European Solheim Cup captain, so how does she feel that you will be missing the matches in Germany?

I’ve told Carin that I will be her biggest supporter from back home.

Buy tickets for the Ladies European Masters http://tickets.sky.com/Golf/. More information: www.ladieseuropeanmasters.com.