Connie Chen’s guide to South Africa

Recent Tenerife Open de España Femenino champion Connie Chen is playing on home turf this week in the Cell C South African Women’s Open at San Lameer Country Club in Kwa-Zulu Natal. We asked her to tell us about her home country.

            Where are you born and where is it exactly in the country?

I was born in Pretoria, South Africa.

            Tell us more about where you were born.

Around October every year in Pretoria the Jacaranda trees bloom and it is a beautiful sight.

            What is the best thing about your country?

There are so many great things about South Africa it’s hard to pick.

            Your favourite place in SA and why?

Capetown, There’s a nice vibe there.

            What’s your favourite drink from your area?

Lime and lemonade.

            What typical food from your country do you like to cook?


            What places would you recommend us to visit in your country?

I would recommend going to Sun City, Capetown and Durban.

            When you are not on tour and you are not preparing for any tournament. What’s your typical weekend? 

Sleep, watch movies and go shopping.

            Which is the most popular sport in your country?

Rugby, cricket and swimming. Women’s golf in South Africa is growing.

            Who is your favourite golfer from your country?

My favourite golfer from South Africa is Charl Swartzel.

            What do you miss from SA when you travel?
