Hole by Hole Guide to Golf de Chantaco by Azahara Muñoz

A guide to Golf de Chantaco, hosting the Lacoste Ladies Open de France for the third straight year, in the words of the 2013 champion Azahara Muñoz.

Hole 1

Different to start a round with a par 3! Challenging starting hole even though it is only a mid-iron. Because it is up hill you cannot see the very narrow green which slopes severely back to front. Distance control here is extremely important.

Hole 2

This short par 4 presents a good opportunity for birdie if the ball is played to the narrow fairway from the tee that sits high above the fairway.

Hole 3

Tough, downhill par 3. Players use medium to long irons into a small green protected by a bunker on the right and a water hazard on the left. If the green is hit in regulation it can be a good opportunity for birdie as the green is so small.

Hole 4

Long and straight par 5. Must hit the fairway to be able to attack this hole as the rough is quite challenging. Another good early opportunity for birdie.

Hole 5

Medium to long iron, downhill par 3. The water short of the green doesn’t come into play. The narrowness of the green makes this tee shot challenging.

Hole 6

Par 4. Very important to hit the fairway in order to be able to control the distance of your approach shot. The fairway slopes severely right to left, any ball missing the fairway left will be faced by trees that guard the front portion of the green. Important to be able to control the distance and spin of your second shot.

Hole 7

My favourite hole! Visually a little intimidating due to the water hazard down the left of the fairway, it’s important to hit a good tee shot here so that you can track the green with the second shot. Represents a great opportunity for eagle, but also brings into play a big number with a careless first or second shot. Great hole for momentum on Sunday, ground can be made up on this hole.

Hole 8

Straight par 4. Two bunkers await an errant tee shot. Fairly small green that runs away from the players make it difficult to get this mid iron approach close to the hole.

Hole 9

Dog leg left par 4 requires a draw from the tee. A good tee shot leaves only a mid to short iron into the green. Good opportunity for birdie to send you off to the back nine.

Hole 10

Fairway slopes left to right and so requires a tee shot that hugs the left side of the fairway. Too far left will be captured by one of the fairway bunkers.

Hole 11

Narrow tee shot that is framed by tall trees. Second shot is very challenging as the green slopes severely from back to front. Requires great touch to control both distance and spin of the second shot in order to leave the ball on the top level of the green. 4 is a good score here.

Hole 12

Par 3, green slopes severely from left to right. It is possible to use the slope to get the ball close to the hole. There is a premium here on distance control. A deep bunker on the right of the green awaits an errant tee shot and a player missing the green left faces a very difficult up and down.

Hole 13

Important to challenge the left side of this fairway with the tee shot as it slopes hard from left to right. Must be in the fairway to be able to control the second shot hit into a fairly firm green. Balls release quickly to the back part of the green.

Hole 14

Players face a decision off the tee to either lay up short of the end of the first part of the fairway or try to reach the second fairway. Laying up short leaves a mid to long iron into a very firm green sloping left to right. Attacking this hole with driver leaves only a short wedge but is difficult to control because you are hitting severely up hill and possibly from thick rough between the two pieces of fairway. I like to attack this hole with driver from the tee.

Hole 15

Very reachable par 5. Like the 7th hole this is a fantastic opportunity to make up some ground heading into the final stretch of the round. Fairway bunkers await a way-wood tee shot on both sides of the fairway. A good tee shot is rewarded with the chance to hit a long to mid iron into this par 5.

Hole 16

Long, uphill par 3. Small target with a deep bunker protecting the front right of the green. Green slopes from back left to front right making a miss to the left a very challenging par. Must land on the front part of the green to avoid going long.

Hole 17

Tee shot plays downhill so most will use a 3-wood from this tee to avoid running out of fairway. Must favour the right side of the fairway in order to have a clear shot into this green. Steep slope at the front right of the green will send any ball landing here off the green.

Hole 18

Fairway slopes strongly from right to left with bunkers and rough awaiting a pulled tee shot. You must favour the right side of the fairway in order to keep the drive from reaching the left rough but there are also bunkers on the right that must be avoided. Deep bunkers and thick rough around the 18th green make it extremely important to find the putting surface with a mid-iron approach. A good finishing hole as two good shots can be rewarded with a birdie but a careless approach can be severely punished.