Kylie Walker on the road to recovery

Scotland’s Kylie Walker was forced to retire from the Helsingborg Open in Sweden on Sunday morning due to injury, having been tied for 10th place going into the final round. Now at the Evian Resort Golf Club, she is preparing to play in the Evian Championship for the first time, but taking additional care.

Tell us what happened to your neck.

It just froze. When I woke up on Saturday morning I had a stiff neck but it’s a little bit better. I managed to hit some balls, not quite properly, but still.

It’s getting warmer here so that should help.

Hopefully it should be okay by Thursday. I think I’m going to try and play five holes practice today because obviously I’ve not seen the course. Kris has walked it and I think I’ll try and play five and walk the rest.

It’s one of these things. I’ve got to roll with it and see what’s happening. I was a lot happier on the range and I felt that I could at least swing it because on Sunday I was just really, really struggling and probably shouldn’t have played Saturday because I probably made it worse. On Saturday my thinking was to try and get through that round and wake up the following day and hopefully it was better, but it wasn’t. It was worse on Sunday and there was no way I could have played but today was certainly a lot better.

What are your expectations?

I guess everything has changed now that I’m here after what happened at the weekend. Really my focus is just to be fit to play at the moment. I’m just trying to gauge it, take it easy but also actually try and hit a few balls and stuff as well.

What was the injury called?

I just woke up with a stiff neck; that was it. My neck was totally all jammed up and frozen when I woke up on Saturday morning.