Megan Dennis

Megan Dennis was pleased with her opening week at Lalla Aicha Q-School finishing in 10th place in the Pre-Qualifier at Palmerie Rotana.

The English amateur produced rounds of 72-68-71 to end the week with a total of five-under-par in Morocco.

That score ensured she easily made it through to the Final Stage of Q-School and the 24-year-old has been enjoying the process thus far.

“I was happy with the week, the second day helped shooting four under and I felt like that was a buffer for today,” said Dennis.

“I played solidly all week so I’m really happy with that. It’s been my first Q-School and I’ve actually enjoyed the process.

“I decided to postpone turning professional for a year. I did a fifth year at the University of Pepperdine. I did my master’s and then I was in no rush to turn pro.

“I enjoyed the experience out here; my dad was out here for the first four days just while I was prepping and then I’ve got a friend on the bag who’s been so helpful. He plays on the Asian Tour, so he knows he’s got a lot of experience and that helps.”

The Englishwoman, who is from Bedfordshire, will begin her Final Stage campaign at Al Maaden at 11.30 am (local time).

With it being her first experience at Q-School, Dennis was nervous coming into the week but is hoping to use the same plan for the Final Stage.

“I was definitely a bit nervous, but I think going into this week I was hitting the ball well. I didn’t stress,” she explained.

“Next week for finals, I think I’m just going in with no expectations again and will try to do what I have done this week. I came up with a game plan the first two days and I just stuck with that.

“It didn’t matter what I was doing on the course. I wasn’t going to change what I was doing off the tee because I knew there were opportunities out there. Next week, same thing! I will come up with a good game plan and stick to it as much as I can and enjoy it because that’s what I’m here to do.”

Dennis is playing Lalla Aicha Q-School as an amateur and if everything goes well plans to earn a spot on the Ladies European Tour (LET) for 2024.

She added: “Ideally next year I want to be on the LET. I did say that if I made the second stage, I’d probably turn pro and play second stage as a professional. But if not, I will play as an amateur, get some status and I plan to turn pro next year anyway.

“Whatever comes from next week will be a bonus but I’m happy to be in Europe, at home doing it.”

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